Nancy Ruth Deen | Breakup Coach For Anxiously Attached Women

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Do This to Stop Thinking About Your Ex (Meditation Included)

Okay, so your thoughts are getting a little out of control.

You’re stewing, and when you walk past a mirror, you can see the smoke coming out of your ears.

But you’re trying to concentrate on other things, and work on yourself.

But still, you’re hating yourself because you still care about them even though they were awful to you.

You just want to be able to concentrate on something other than your ex.

If this sounds just like you, then you NEED to try this technique I’m sharing with you today.

There’s more than distraction and talking through your struggles that gets you to detach from your ex.

You can use the cord cutting technique.

I do this technique whenever I find I’m putting too much energy into thinking about someone, and it WORKS.

This is something you can return to whenever you need a break from thinking too much about your ex.

I hope this is exactly what you needed to hear today!

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Episode 14: Cord Cutting Technique to Stop Thinking About Your Ex

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